Dental stones, which have become the fearful dream of many people today, can be removed with treatment and care by specialist physicians. It is possible to solve the problem of tartar with correct information and regular checks..
Why Does Dental Calculus Occur?
Tartar is formed by the hardening of the bacterial plaque accumulated on the teeth with saliva minerals. If tartar is not cleaned, it causes gingivitis. The first sign of gingivitis is bleeding gums. One of the most important causes of bad breath is this inflammation and bleeding.
What Happens If Tartar Is Not Cleaned
If the tartar is not cleaned regularly, it continues to move into the gum and starts to damage the tissues supporting the tooth more. In this case, gingivitis begins to progress towards the root of the tooth. While the healthy gum tissue remains attached to the tooth, the tartar that accumulates on the root surface begins to separate the gum from the tooth and cavities that we call pockets form around the teeth. The depth of these spaces reaches 3-5 mm. Curettage is required to clean these areas. By applying local anesthesia, the inflamed gum tissue formed in the root surfaces and gingival pocket is cleaned and the gingiva is adhered to the root surface again.